Thursday, 8 February 2007

Political Response to Farm Exit Policy of Congress

That a massive economic restructuring process is underway in India is no more in doubt. What is interesting, is that the major economists and think tanks are busy with issues of :
1. Indian GDP
2. Competition strategies to attract some leftover foreign investment away from China, to India.
3. How urban India can best position itself to benefit from globalization and WTO.

However, given the sheer size of Indian farm dependant population, this economic restructuring is naturally accompanied by large scale stresses and deep fissures, on Indian social structures and long term food security policies.
Entire decades of food security infrastructure planning and institutions are being dismantled within ministries, without open debate.

Mrs Sonia Gandhi will of course continue to excercise an unshakeable mental and psychological hold on some of the most deprived of Indian voters. However, whether the charm of the sacrificing daughter in law, will survive the kick on the food plate, remains to be seen.

Some of these stresses will surely impact the electoral politics of India.
However, apart from Mamta Bannerjee and Mohan Dharia, hardly any Indian politicians seem to be aware of the electoral impact of these urban led, strategies for economic growth. Maybe Shri Naidu from Andhra Pradesh, can head a think tank within Congress, to warn them of the impending impact of Shining India and Second Green Revolution electoral campaigns.
Certainly not Shri Sharad Pawar and Shri Manmohan Singh, though I feel Shri Kamal Nath does know what impact, this is all going to have on Congress prospects in the next elections.

The Indian media is now regularly, but still cautiously, depending on the views of the editors, covering the stories of Indian farm suicides, while Shri Sharad Pawar cursorily reads out the figures in Parliament and defends wheat imports from Australia and the "acceptable levels of pesticides" in what Indians drink and what mothers milk contains.

But apart from the cursory reading of the suicide figures, there is still no attempt to come to grips with the issue of undeclared farm exit policy of Congress.
Suicide figures are just figures to be read out in the Parliament. They hide the faces and the stories, of the farmers and the families of the suicidal farmers.

The US Secretary of Agriculture also, deems it fit and appropriate, to compare the suicides of Indian farmers with the much smaller number of farmer suicides in United States, in the Indian capital, amongst the friends of Indian commerce federations, while trying to drum up support for the re-energized WTO and supposedly, still a Doha Round. Though of course, Europe and America look at Doha Round only as an attempt to revive WTO, and in reality, have more significant and pressing issues they would like discussed under the umbrella of WTO.

Ask the suicidal Indian farmers, if they are optimistic to the same degree, about the success of Doha Round, and you are greeted with blank stares. They are already facing Doha on a daily basis in their homes.
That some people are getting ready to foist one more Doha, this time done better, hardly elates the Indian farmers.

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